GAP Class of 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New ministry opportunities

Beginning the first part of April, God changed our focus in ministry.  We feel blessed to have worked at Ft. White for the first part of our stay in S. Africa.  We accomplished starting a preschool at Ft. White which is continuing to work with village children.  Lawrence enjoyed working in the village schools and sharing God’s love with his students.  It is hard to leave both groups but find ourselves ready to focus on a different aspect of ministry.  We are finishing up some ministry in the villages and will soon begin working with a program for 18-24 yr. olds called the GAP Youth Mentorship Program.  It is a wonderful program helping the village youth who are so poor find focus and purpose in their lives through Jesus Christ, and assist them with finding work opportunities or higher education.  We will be Camp Managers and Camp parents for the remainder of our time here. 
The camp is in a mountainous,  jungle  region about 18 kilometers from E. London.  There are monkeys swinging through the trees which are rather pesky, but guess we will get used to it.  We will live in a 2 room cabin.  The students are in sturdy tents. 
While we wait for the cabin to be prepared for us to live in, we are staying in E. London with a missionary single lady who is here from Burleson TX.   We praise God for his leading and guidance as we follow His will.  Please pray for us and the students with whom we will be ministering.